Monday, January 22, 2007

I lost a ton of calories...

When I started this blog, I wanted a place to share the moments in my life that were special to me. Posts that were interesting, informative or struck my fancy, along with poems, music, and photos that I have written, listened to, or taken throughout my life.

In my surfing of the blogs listed in BLOG VILLAGE, I found a post over at Diary of England where Naomi's Laugh And Watch The Pounds Fall Off post stated that laughing helps us lose weight. Laughing is supposed to do our heart good, so when I read Mike's post
The Creative Life over at A Twist of Humor I knew that I wanted to share it with you! "A Twist of Humor" helped me loose a ton of calories, gave me a good laugh, is so true to life and is oh, so funny!

As I shared with Mike, he reminded me of when my oldest son, Travis Lee used to
regale us for hours with funny faces from his high chair! It wasn’t until months later that we caught him practicing in front of the foyer mirrors from the confines of his playpen!

Naomi of Diary of England and Mike over at A Twist of Humor are both fellow BLOG VILLAGERS.

1 comment:

Naomi said...

Thanks for the mention Janey. Glad you enjoyed the post. Great blog. I'm adding it to my favourites.

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