Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Flame of His Spirit...

I lived in darkness surrounded by fear,
Then God spoke my name and caused me to hear.
The flame of his Spirit ignited my heart,
And drove out the Darkness from each secret part.

I think of the flames on the heads of those saints,
Healing candles for Jesus the picture God paints,
A candle of flame knows no darkness, you see,
But dwells in the light as safe as can be.

It's flame draws others to its warm Godly glow,
'Til the two are ignited in Love's endless flow.

by Janey Loree
Written December 11, 1998 & November 16, 2001 ~ Candle art spark by Phyllis Mae Richardson Fisher

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Naomi said...

That's a beautiful verse Janey. I love your mother's artwork on the candle as well. You are both so talented.

Unknown said...

Thank you Naomi! This poem was written on the cardboard back of a writing tablet!!

Provided by International Bible Society

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