Sunday, October 15, 2006

Music from Heaven...

Well, when you listen to music sung by about fifty of the top voices in Christian music (all together)...that is what it sounded like! Music from Heaven. I was on my way out of the house to go to work in our Paper Doll Factory, when I heard some old time hymns being sung. The music was coming from my mother's television and I had to go see who was singing. The singing was Bill Gaither and his Friends! The singers were sitting in pews, as the camera panned each face from the view of the pulpit. Lacy dresses, sheer shawls, and HATS! clothed the women as their happy faces glistened from recent tears of joy. Three basses sat together on the front row and joined their deep voices to the songs. We will certainly be buying the Church in the Wildwood music videos being offered on that program.
There is nothing like the old classics that fill your heart with hope and inspiration. I felt like I had been to church and was sitting in the presence of God I wiped the tears off my face, I went out to the office with a lighter heart and a spring in my step!

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