Sunday, April 26, 2009

How much fiber?

How much fiber do I need in my diet? Well, according to Mayo Clinic women in my age range need 25 gram of fiber a day. This means more fruits and vegetables, legumes, nuts and grains.

It looks like legumes and nuts top the list in the amount of fiber they contain. So, I think I will package my favorite trail mix in the snack size baggies...

1/4 cup Sunflower Seeds 3.6 grams
1/4 cup Pumpkin Seeds
49 Pistachio Nuts 2.9 grams

...pick up some potatoes, frozen broccoli, Bran Buds and barley and cook the whole-wheat spaghetti that is sitting in my pantry! The family tradition of having a pot of beans on Sunday has just been revived!! There's pinto beans, navy beans, black beans, kidney beans, and green beans just to name a few varieties that can add fiber to your diet...

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