Saturday, April 18, 2009

Day 2 at the Gym...

Met with my personal trainer. Weighed (Not good!) Checked body fat index (Not good either!!) I did not let these numbers bother me or put me in a bad mood. (Very good!!!)

Day: 2
Length of time: 15 minutes
Level #: 7
Average MPH: 43
Heart Rate: 91, 92 & 93
State of being: Could feel the muscles in my thighs a little when I completed the 15 minutes.

PT showed me some stretching exercises to do for my lower back and we talked about staying on Level 7 for a week. OG, owner of gym, stated that it takes 3 weeks to create a habit. So my first goal is to workout every day that the gym is open* for 3 weeks straight!

First Goal: May 8th. (The day my 9 day vacation starts)

*The gym will not be officially open until May 1st. So until then it will be open from 10am to 8 pm, Monday through Saturday and closed on Sundays. The gyms' hours will change to 5am to 10pm, Monday through Saturday and Noon to 6pm on Sundays.

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