Sunday, March 29, 2009

Doodling May Help Concentration...

After reading a post titled Doodle Your Way To A Better Memory, written by Naomi, a fellow bloggist from ENGLAND, I found out why I doodle! According to the National Doodle Day website, National Doodle Day is May 7th. After doing some research of my own I have found a reason to doodle. The NF, Inc. National Doodle Day Committee will conduct a "Doodle Auction" starting May 7th. To learn more about NF and what they do, please visit, email, or call them at 800-942-6825.

The doodle above was created while talking on the phone with my mother last week!


Naomi said...

Nice doodle Janey!

Unknown said...

Thanks Naomi! Are you going to participate in the "Doodle Auction"?

Sharon Lynne said...

Just doodling a little note to you to wish you a Happy Easter!

David said...

Excellent post.

Provided by International Bible Society

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