Saturday, February 23, 2008

Enterprise Wash in Central Arizona.

Enterprise Wash in Central Arizona.

About a week before this picture the water was flowing down the wash at a tremendous rate. Farther down this wash is where we had our family reunion. Every year the local members of the family go down to the wash and prepare the area for the picnic.

This year the boundaries of the wash where pushed into the picnic area and clean up was a little more extensive. They trim the trees so that we can sit under them for protection from the Arizona sun, even in February!

Promote Notes That Touch The Heart over in BLOG VILLAGE


Naomi said...

Hope you enjoyed your family reunion Janey. Gosh can't believe the sun would be so hot in February. Can we have some of your warm weather please?

Unknown said...

The reunion was great! There were 54 family members present. With this comment I am sending a sunny greeting to warm your day.

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