Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year!!!


Jan said...

Happy new year, Janey. I was afraid you got to Texas and forgot to bring a computer. Missed you. What is going on with you?

Unknown said...

Hello Jan! You are a hoot! A full time job is what has been going on with time to blog...50 hours a week!! And the guys have been working 70+ hours a week so there has been nothing to blog about over on our mustang blog (unless you count the riot at the prison where my sons work!) Thanks for stopping by...I will get over to your blog soon...promise!!!

i said...

Happy New Year!

Sharon Lynne said...

Hi Janey!

Thanks for the email. Somehow I lost the email and now I can't email you back.

It was good to hear from you. I hope you are doing well! Send me another email when you have a chance...just so I have your address.

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