Wednesday, October 03, 2012

The Benefits of Honey...

My grandfather was a bee man.  I have been told that if you eat local honey it will help you with your allergies.  Then the question "Is the sugar content of the honey in Arizona Green Tea with Gensing and Honey good or bad for ya?" came up today.

I have been diagnosed with "Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease".  The RUQ, or right upper quadrant pain that I have been experiencing is the result of too much fat in my liver.  So, life changes are in store for my husband and myself.  We are going to monitor and change our fat, sugar and calorie intakes.

Over at I found an article about the 5 health benefits honey.  Using honey dressings on burns, scraps, surgical incisions and radiation-asssociated ulcers has proved healpful because of the natural "hydrogen peroxide" found in honey because bees produce this enzyme.  And honey has anti-inflammatory qualities that help with the itch and irritation of mosquito bites. And certain types of honey treat the inflammation and infection of acne.  So, topically honey is good!
Honey is an antioxidant that helps protect the body from free radical damage, preserving heart health and protectinng against cancer.  It has been seen in laboratory studies that gut microflora is improved when sugar is substituted with honey.  So, internally honey is good!  That means honey is good for us inside and out!  Then I guess we could say, "Some honey a day, keeps the doctor away!"

Provided by International Bible Society

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